Ethan Fried Ethan Fried

APT: Perioperative Medicine

This week we will review Perioperative Medicine. In preparation the required reading will be the Cleveland Clinic Review Article. Additionally, if you have time you should take a look at the AHA guidelines (although they are long reviewing them will help you tackle this large topic). For those interested there are a few articles for optional reading.

required reading

essential reading

Optional reading

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Ethan Fried Ethan Fried

APT: Meningitis

This week we will be reviewing Meningitis. The required reading this week are from the IDSA guidelines for Meningitis. We have introduced some essential readings as well, these are aimed to help you master the topic but are not required. Finally, for those that are interested we included the NEJM study regarding use of steroids.

Required Reading

Essential Reading

Optional Reading

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Ethan Fried Ethan Fried

APT: Hypertension

This week we will be looking at hypertension and how to diagnose it from outpatient to hypertensive emergency inpatient. In preparation there is a quick 2 page graphic review of the JNC-8 guidelines. There is also a NEJM on intensive vs liberal BP control. As optional reading there is an article from AFP on the JNC8 guidelines.

Optional reading



Normal: SBP <120 and DBP <80

Elevated: SBP 120-129 and DBP <80

Stage 1 HTN: SBP 130-139 or DBP 80-89

Stage 2 HTN: SBP ≥ 140 or DBP ≥90

End Organ Damage

  1. Brain - stroke sequelae, multi-infarct dementia

  2. Eye- retinopathy, hemorrhage, papilledema

  3. Heart - diastolic dysfunction, LVH, obstructive cardiomyopathy, HFpEF, coronary atherosclerosis, MI, HFrEF

  4. Kidney- CKD, Albuminuria, reduced GFR, end stage kidney failure

  5. Vascular - aortic aneurysm (ascending, descending), atherosclerotic occlusive disease with limb or organ ischemia, aortic dissection

Hypertensive emergency: BP >180/>120 with evidence of end organ damage

Special Considerations

  • IPH/SAH - SBP goal < 140 ASAP

  • Aortic dissection: SBP <120 ASAP

General principals:

1st Hour: decrease BP < 25%

4-6 hours: BP < 160/100

>24-48 hours: BP < 140/90

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Ethan Fried Ethan Fried

APT: Diabetes

This week we will be covering diabetes mellitus in AHD.

In preparation of the day you will review the landmark trial RABBIT-2, as well as a retrospective review explaining why we do what we do in the inpatient setting. In addition you will read a review on oral diabetic agents available to help complete your knowledge for when you look to transition a patient to outpatient medications.

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Ethan Fried Ethan Fried


This week we will tackle a big topic in the Internal Medicine field. In preparation you will read an article regarding the management of HIV. In addition, there is an article reviewing PCP. For those that want additional information articles have been attached regarding Toxoplasmosis, Cryptococcus, and guidelines from AIDSinfo.

Optional Reading

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Ethan Fried Ethan Fried

APT: GI Bleed

The dreaded GI bleeder… This week we will be discussing management of upper GI bleeding. In preparation you will review an article discussing peptic ulcers as the cause of bleeding. In addition there is a study looking at liberal vs conservative transfusion guidelines and the best way to administer PPI for those with GI bleeding.

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