Lenox Hill’s HOUSE CUP
Welcome to The House Cup. An annual competition amongst house staff to determine who will claim ultimate victory. This victory includes but is not limited to year long bragging rights and a special team social event. Points will be awarded for exemplary patient care, medical knowledge, collegiality, teamwork, and more! Meet our teams below!
Dunham's Army
Named after the Chair of Medicine himself, Dunham’s Army is all about teamwork and leadership.
Wingardium Pseudomonas
Resistance is in their DNA. This team perseveres and stays united at all costs!
Vagus Totalis
Their motto is "Scientia Vincere Tenebras," Latin for "science will triumph over darkness." It is an ode to the period of the Enlightenment, where high value was placed on the pursuit of knowledge using reason.
Expecto Troponin
This team has the heart of a lion. Courage and compassion is at the center of this team.
Points are awarded for team social events, resident kudos, patient recognition, Resident grand rounds, research, jeopardy, teaching, quality metrics, procedures, and much more! This is updated periodically to reflect current team standings!