If you said “a dime” then you fell into the trap of being distracted by the total cost and forgetting that the bat must be $1 more than the ball
In fact, in order for the bat and ball together to cost $1.10 and the bat to cost $1.00 more than the ball, the ball must be $0.05 and the bat must be $1.05.
the other questions:
Is there a July the 4th in England?
Certainly there is. It is not celebrated as Independence Day.
How many birthdays does the average man have?
We all get only one birthday. We celebrate the anniversary of that day for many years afterward.
Some months have 31 days, how many have
They all have at least 28 days. Don’t they?
Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada?
We try not to bury the people that are living.
How many outs are there in an inning?
If both sides get to play, aren’t there six?
Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister?
With or without marriage equality, if she’s the widow than he’s the one who is dead. There is nowhere that one can marry a dead man.