Just because we can do a thing does not mean we should do it
Medical Ethics
Ethics One Page Curriculum - PGY 1
Who directs the care of a patient? If you answer anything other than the patient them self then you are wrong. Patient autonomy happens when the physician gives the patient enough information for them to make up their own mind.
ethics one page curriculum - pgy 2
We all want to do good. Sometimes we must weigh doing good with potential harm. That judgement may be the most difficult one to make. It is also incredibly personal. A risk averse patient may need the benefit/harm ratio to be unreasonably high. This section will teach you a way to think about decision making
Ethics one page curriculum - pgy 3
As a doctor you are not only treating the patient sitting in front of you. You are responsible for all of your patients and other’s patients and society as a whole. We have built a highly technological medical entity and we must choose wisely in the way we use it. Sometimes that means saying “no” to a patient’s request. This section will help you to make that decision justly.